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Europe: Consultations on food labelling and nutrient profiles

The European Commission has launched two public consultations, opened from 13 December 2021 to 07 March 2022 in order to collect the views of EU and non-EU citizens as well as of professional and non-professional stakeholders regarding initiatives for revising the EU legislation on food information to consumers: 

– Food labelling – revision of rules on information provided to consumers : Front-of-pack nutrition labelling, origin labelling and date marking ; 

– Facilitating healthier food choices – establishing nutrient profiles : setting of nutrient profiles to restrict the use of claims on foods that do not meet some nutritional quality.

EFSA also launched a consultation from 15 November 2021 to 09 January 2022 on its draft scientific opinion advising on the development of harmonised mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and the setting of nutrient profiles for restricting nutrition and health claims on foods. EFSA will finalise its scientific opinion in early 2022.

Those documents will support decision-makers to develop a future EU-wide system for front-of-pack nutrition labelling and a possible nutrient profiling system as a condition for restricting nutrition and health claims on foods.

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash